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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

1959 Chevy Impala

Back in the 50's cars had "fins" the bigger the fin the better car you had, the more kudos you would get... Cadillac had some of the biggest fins out there. And back them it was all about chrome... everything in cars where chromed... from the bumpers to the steering wheel... i love those big bumpers with what looks like bullets at the front and the spare case on the back is other good aspect for visuals and design on a car. The best thing about old cars are the front windshield because they have that curve on the sides... ever try to make a left in a new car and realize you don't see the road unless you actually position yourself to be able to... yea it gets annoying, but in these cars its all about making your ride enjoyable and comfortable... well you may say what about safety... i rather be sitting in a car that is made of metal all round instead of being in a car that only has the frame in metal and the rest in some recycled material.

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